Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hiding Passover Matzos and Fighting Easter Eggs

My family and I were among a group from our Church in Roanoke, Virginia, who were invited to an educational Passover meal at a local synagogue.  The rabbi was gracious to provide an evening for us during such a busy week.  Children were present, including our then fifth grade daughter and her friend. We were a little concerned when, as part of the ritual of the meal, several sips of very sweet Passover wine were taken by my daughter and her friend.  We urged them to sip with caution, but did note a little bit of giggling midway into the ritual feast.  We were glad when the rabbi invited the children to run to all corners of the building to try and find some hidden matzos.  I am not sure what the symbolism is in hiding matzos, but I was grateful that it did give the children a chance to work off some of the giggles.
I am noticing Easter baskets and announcements of Church Easter Egg hunts as Holy Week approaches.  I am also remembering “egg fights” as a kid.  No, we did not throw eggs, but after the colored eggs were hidden, we would have a contest cracking one against the other.  The winner was the one that did not crack.  One year, my father found some geese eggs and I colored them.  Shells of geese eggs are about twice the thickness of chicken eggs.  I was the egg fight champion that year.  The other kids cried foul (forgive the pun)!
As I reflect upon the hidden matzos, hunting Easter eggs, and the egg fights, I am aware of some of the symbolism, especially the element of “surprise” in all three of these childhood games.  Perhaps that is at the root of the holy observances of the coming week.  For Jews who find the matzos, there is the delight of remembering in the matzo the deliverance from slavery.  In the Easter egg hunt, there is the surprise of finding that which was lost, of finding life when we thought there was only death.  As for the Easter egg fight, who knows?  Maybe that’s merely a lesson for us all that there can be fun, even when life feels as uninviting as a three day old Easter egg after the hunt.

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