It was a trip of a lifetime. I’m glad I did it. I’m not sure I’ll go back. After a week and a half of recovering from
the red eye flights to Israel and back, plus nine full days of visiting sites, I’ll try to assess my gleanings:
1. I
learned that you can take 454 photos of all the sites in the Holy Land, and
when you return home to look over them they all look like pictures of rocks in 454
varied arrangements. Some of the rocks
have people posing in front of them.
2. I learned to go easy on the Israeli
breakfast. Diving into assorted salads
and smoked fish, especially the whole sardines, at 6:30 a.m. on your first day
may not be the best idea, especially when traveling on a bus over the hills and
valleys of Galilee.
3. I learned that drinking from Jacob’s well,
dipping my hands into the Jordan River, and drinking tap water in Bethlehem
might have contributed to something which feels like little giardia now poking
around in my gut.
4. I learned something about trust. Our bus was an Arab owned bus, driven by
Mohammed, an Arab Muslim, and guided by Samuel,
an Arab Christian whose parents are of Egyptian Coptic and Greek Orthodox
backgrounds. Not only did Mohammed drive us through some pretty secondary
winding roads up and down the Golan Heights, he and our guide took us into
Palestinian West Bank territories. Here was an Arab Muslim who cared for the
safety of his passengers. If we ever
thought that all Arab Muslims were terrorists or suicide bombers (and I hope
none in our group did), Mohammed helped dispel that fear. He could have done us in with one wrong turn
of the steering wheel.
5. I
learned the plight of so many Palestinians who are without a homeland and who
feel trapped and hopeless. We entered
West Bank areas where only a Palestinian Arab bus and driver could go, and
where the Israeli government prohibits its own citizens from entering due to
danger and the fact that it is against their own law. We saw Palestinian refugee areas and felt
the hopelessness of so many in Bethlehem who are weary of the captivity and
isolation of living within the walls and barbed wire fences which surround
their city.
6. While I loved the pilgrimage aspect of our
trip, including the singing of hymns and reading of Scripture at the many holy
sites, I realized that what makes a place, person, or thing “holy” is not the
location, or the proximity to where Jesus or the disciples walked, but how God
chooses to utilize people and places for God’s unique purposes wherever they
are. So while I enjoyed, appreciated,
and felt inspired by these Holy sites, I kept finding the “holy” in the faces
of the children, both Israeli and Arab, Muslim, Christian, and Jew, who await a better and more
hopeful future for this problematic area of the world.
7. I learned that visiting the Holy Land does not
in itself make me more holy. I become
more “holy” (i.e. utilized by God) when
I realize that the land on which I stand, wherever that is, can be holy ground
where I open myself to God’s good purposes.
I suppose I learned that I am more an
anthropologist that archaeologist. I
looked for hope in the faces and personalities of the people I met, trying to
see the “holy” possibilities in each of
them, then looking deeper into my own soul for the “holy” in me.